Hey guys, so much happening.. I don’t even know where to start. But I know I need to start writing from keeping me go insane haha.
So first let’s start with a small gift from me to you: some great recommendations of products so far with no affiliation I’d recommend from my heart.
Dating for men from a higher oriented, holistic, and full circle point of view: Tyler – Blueprint Decoded.
…this is a 20-hour seminar that goes deep into why you think you suck, changes your perspective, and makes you healthier of a person in a full sense. Really changed me at age 17 when watching it and build some profound elements. Its focus is dating, but I think for me personally it changes you into a better person and gives you clarity on many dynamics in the world and how to still be happy.
Wake Up Productive by Eben Pagan – This 12-week seminar makes women and men all alike ready and more productive for your career or whatever tasks and challenges you choose to tackle. It’s mindblowing and goes deep again. I like to say every single sentence Eben mentions is worth gold or valuable. Don’t miss anything from him, he is definitely one of my favorite mentors. Basically, you tackle every single moment and then time block of your day and optimize it. Starting with the perfect morning routine. It’s a steal..I got it for 200$ and I’m sure all my recent earnings have been based on being more productive.
Secret Society Mastermind by Timothy Marc. As writing today you can join for 49$/m and it’s worth probably 10K. This is about creating a FREEDOM BUSINESS. So it’s slightly more advanced than the other 2 courses, but if you want to have a light and value-bringing business that can start small this is the way to go. The price point may fluctuate in the future for a more full course, as I paid 2k $ entry to it back in the day. So there are different options available at different pricing points.
Ayn Rand – Fountainhead BOOK. I really recommend reading this, changed me profoundly and my thinking. It tells the story of an architect who sticks to what he believes and feels is the right vision for his architecture and bears the fruit years after being a young person. It contrasts other archetypical types of people and also partially their downfall and highlights different aspects of walking through life in different ways. Really gave me the base endurance to pursue not only my dreams but also the way I want to pursue them – my own way…
Paleo diet/keto diet…check this out, there was a PDF book or rather go to Mark’s daily apple website…and check it out. Eating garbage processed food, carbohydrates, and sugar is not getting you anywhere and makes your body function worse. I’m certainly not 100% perfect but in my best moments I eat mostly 95-97% in that way and it gives me the great sprints and blocks in life.
Some movies; Truman show, Fght Club, Princess Mononoke, I also got a HUGE amount of value and principles out of Fate stay night, fate ZERO, and fate apocrypha, RE zero, GAI re zero which are series and animes FYI. Gattaca is AMAZING. Wolf of Wallstreet was nice, but more on the cheap power rush end and you’ve probably seen it anyways. I recommend ROCKY pretty much all starting from 1 for starting some challenge and motivation. Gotta think on more.
The music soundtrack to getting enlightened: Aphex Twin, Tool, ISIS the BAND, Mars Volta, Dream Theater, Korn, Metallica, Slayer for a power rush lol, in that order somehow…many more I listen to..top of my mind. The common theme is they require mostly longer attention spans.
START organizing TASKS for each DAY for EACH MONTH in Google Sheets starting TODAY. Start organizing each day’s finances in Google Sheets starting tomorrow lol. I loosely update the finances but it’s still incredibly valuable.
When you need some clarity and peace of mind –> Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now and other books. I recommend the audiobook where he reads himself. Super calming. But put in power the action and layer on top of the spirituality. It may get reversed as layers truly, but in the start take action, then be peaceful.
SOCIAL CIRCLE: surround yourself with TOP individuals who are GOOD HEARTED trustworthy and reliable/loyal. They might have as many mistakes and flaws as you wish but if they are what the first sentence describes they are worth 100k more X times than anything else. Family…be in peace and have good relations with them. Everything else is toxic.
I’m happy I wrote this down. Cant have the same conversation a thousand times and this makes it easier for me just to point a worthy individual to this text. It’s 10 things so definitely doable for 2023 or whatever year you read this and covers a GREAT headstart into life and things you can root yourself into. Tried and tested and holy stuff for me.
There are more things…more recent things I want to write down let steam off but for today that’s cool.
Hope you find some value in those things. Let’s end it with a song or instrumental i did;
Have a great day guys and girls.