Hey dear readers,
We’re on the verge of the new year and some exciting things have been happening in my life.
I got a new car, had a girlfriend for a while, and reconnected with my best buddy after he was angry and blocked me for a good half a year. I have 2 new part-time jobs I’m managing and my sister is soon turning 2 years old.
I have been working on my music as well and upped my productions and sound engineering. Here is my newest tune you can listen to while reading:
The most new and exciting thing I’m attacking is finally going into YouTube. I’ll be filming videos and publishing them.
Topics are dating, self-help, business and the art of money, spiritual balance and a holistic approach to life. Digital marketing, sports, health, and much more.
It’s going to be some sort of fusion of sharing advice and documenting my progress, success and lessons included.
I’m a bit camera shy or rather wanted to stay low-key and anonymous, but nowadays that’s tough. Also my approach is to be authentic and act with integrity, so there is no way I can hide myself after thinking about it.
I still hope to not go viral and rather just reach meaningful people in a qualitative way. But let’s see. It is what it is.
I also worked on my music website: https://raistrue.com/
Check it out.
Other than that I’ll be calling my YouTube channel similar to my music channel and name…SKYYISTRUE.
Yes- that’s the name.
In the old school RSD forum days my name was Skyyisthelimit. I can still go by it, but I feel SKYYISTRUE has a nice ring to it and is memorable and I guess introducing myself as Skyy sounds kinda sweet and cool.
I’m still in good old Sofia, Bulgaria but want to travel more.
I should be at an income of around 5000 euro right now, but I’m probably dabbling at 3000 Euro a month. That’s a guess with the number, as I didn’t efficiently and fully work my 2 jobs and I feel bad about asking my clients and bosses for the full amount of money.
My health and fitness journey didn’t take its full effect. I documented I was 108 KG now I’m 110 or up to 112 depending on the day. I had a good roll in Q3 or Q4 this year going to around 105 KG. But I messed it up. There is always something coming in between. This time I’ll do my best so there isn’t.
My good friend K was showing me his dating results on apps like Tinder. He told me while I got to the same conclusion: the difference was in the images. He looks pretty good for a guy and that’s what counts when images are the first impression.
With that said it’s not that bad even with my 3 old pictures. But still, the quality of dating matches I’d like to have is not at a consistent level with it. K is getting a lot more.
I also bought the Blueprint reloaded by Owen Cook. Was not disappointed. The interface and the naming of the titles could have been a bit better, but the content itself smashes it out the window. Very happy and I upgraded from the basic 300$ version to the 600$ version. Almost watched it all, pretty sweat.
I re-watched The Hotseat at Home as well. But then got a girlfriend. I was very happy with her, but we ended it after around 4 months after we got to know each other.
Now I want to actively game outside in day and night environments, and throw parties and events. Even if it’s like a bi-weekly going to the restaurant or so.
I want to travel as well, I should be able to after clearing my debt. I have around 1500 euro debt and if … if…. I’m working consistently I should clear it easily with my 5K salary in Euro. BUT I also have a bit of family debt that’s not pressing.
By the way on the topic of vision boards. That’s my vision board. It’s more than a year old. The most tough thing on that was the car I’d say especially in terms of materialistic gain.

Now look what car I got this year:

It doesn’t have the 2022 facelift but I’d say it looks even cooler.
I’d say it’s time for a new vision board.
I’ll also be working on creating a community of like-minded individuals, create a 4 hour value giving course on dating, lifestyle, and business for free for signing in via E-Mail. I’ll be posting YouTube videos, trying to collaborate with my music.
Possibly investing into marketing my music and possibly also investing into marketing my dads art to grow that.
Anyways enough for one post,