Welcome to Helpfountain. I created this site so I can share my advice for the spiritual and material world. I am inspired to do this as I often want to find the right time and place to share this advice with my friends. But it’s easier at times to just write it out and send it over.

I want to stay anonymous throughout the site, so I don’t have to fret about any blowback for being honest and real and keep that integrity without worrying about what I say.

I might share some of my personal and friends’ stories as examples, but we’ll keep it 100% anonymous.

I genuinely want to help and the blog articles on help fountain will be free of charge and motivated by inspiring and directly helping others.

I will create a resources section with my favorite resources so you can check them out yourself.

I will share some stories, and I will create practical guides.

The topics for the help fountain are unlimited and endless. Everything that’s real and of value will be shared.
Some of them are love, spiritual consciousness, financial and business advice, eating healthy and working out, general life challenges and how to overcome them, friendships, status and career at your job or wherever you want to rise in your social hierarchy, how to make memorable experiences, maybe a little bit of my own religious but neutral views, maybe later on some political stuff but I’m not an expert or really well known on that yet and don’t want the site to tank for being too straight forward.

Oh, and music and art creation advice, as I am a musician.

This is me (staying lowkey of course 😎)

Also, I am starting to recognize a spiritual warfare that’s going on. This is pretty experimental as thought material, but as this is my site I’ll probably share some out-there ideas that are cool and even if not true, still helpful to organize your thoughts and the world on a subjective level and guide you through life.

The idea is to genuinely share my experiences and help.

Making money is cool too, although getting a few bucks here and it is pretty straightforward, or getting a better-paid job. I’ll still cover it.

My main areas in life are business, music, social relationships, sports & nutrition and I certainly want at some point to teach and coach. This is a small beginning of that, but I want to make sure helpfountain stays a helpfountain and doesn’t turn into a single sales or landing page. For now, it’s gonna be a free experiment for me.

I genuinely want to help a few close friends out, but I am thinking this might reach more people and people might reach to me to connect and hang out or share experiences.

If the site pops, I’ll create a small forum or old-school style community around it, that’s free and everyone can exchange.
I genuinely believe there are true principles in this world, there are truths that are undeniably helpful in this world and I think there is magic in this world based on those truths, maybe rather magic moments.

I will also share some stories and biographical elements of mine. Again, I’ll keep myself and all people anonymous, as I think on the internet that’s better ๐Ÿ™‚

Here is some bio for starters. I’ve been born in western Europe right into a well-off family and living standard in a nice above a hundred thousand but less than a million city of inhabitants.

I attended a regular school in a good nice neighborhood and then continued in a private school.

Wealth status changed at around age 8 or 10. I don’t even remember, but we went from being rich or wealthy to a good standard due to the business in the family tanking. Still a good life, but with debt on the family due to a house built on debt or credit as they insisted on living in their own house.

This is me as a youngster

The school was fun, and grades were pretty good and accelerating to even better after the 10th grade or so.

Some more advantageous decisions made me leave school at the beginning of the 13th grade and even leave my family house.

Misery, depression, and worse followed and some unfortunate dramatic events unfolded.

I spent a lot of my time in depression and uncertainty while losing the closest and most beloved family member to me due to similar reasons.

Years go by like this. Before those dramatic events and decisions in my life, I was just the most normal regular teenager till age 16-17.

I spent half a year in the USA studying, 5 months rather, with a guest family. Really nice experience.
At the same time, I came closer to self-help material of all sorts. Similar to this page, there are other books, pages, and forums, and even real people, who thought, were into this.

The first book I remember seeing about this was from my step fathers library, something on how to win friends and be more charismatic with wording your sentences and nonverbal stuff. Very interesting, so I got more into that.

Another image of me as a kid

Actually, when writing this, I got to note to give my stepfather credit for introducing me unknowingly to improving and bettering your self, mind, and life ๐Ÿ™‚ Good thoughtโ€ฆ;)

Anyways in the states, I was out of my family nest, new friends, new environment and it was perfect for improving my behavior and thoughts.

Around this time and after the states till I left school I improved my body and physique, I learned how to go from shy to confident, make new friends, and as a male flirt with girls.
I learned how to meditate and read and got to know the spiritual side of life.
I started creating website blogs, just like this, at age 17 and got over 20.000 subscribers in February for my dating and relationship advice blog. The others were about perfume and just like helpfountain – self-help.

I had a great life, but something was not right and I wanted more. I was also a student who according to my estimate could attend pretty much all units based on grade level and private school reputation. I remember I had the thought of going to Oxford.

But my ambitions were bigger than living an above-average standard life.

I wanted to go full in with business aged 18-19 because I saw how much money could be made. And what freedom was in for me.

Little did I know that I wasn’t prepared for the tough life lessons I had to learn and soon was overwhelmed and got depression and stressed states.

Fast forward to 2017: I am living for 5 years in Eastern Europe and moved to my real father. Besides some single stupid highlights of reckless action in my life, more time was passing by in depression.

Also, the house environment was rather of stress, and general anxiety and fatigue. Not a good environment to bounce back from my depression. Actually, I sincerely feel I did my best to get back to my old tune of living life, but I couldn’t jump over the hurdles of argumentative and verbally aggressive loops in the household.

My belated mother blessed me though with having somewhere else to live years after her passing and this opened up a new opportunity and possibility of improvement and light to my life.

I grabbed it full-on and rose to the challenges. more or less.

I had already studied 2,5 years by then in musical management, improved my beat-making in music meanwhile, and worked for months or years in a few odd call center jobs.

A few attempts before that of moving out were existent but failed due to character weaknesses and traits that I couldn’t have the time for without any spending or financial stability.

Anyways a stable place to live allowed me to think without interruption, improve my character and behavior, and get really fast back to a normal level within society.

And on top, I knew I had digital marketing, music, and superior social skills to what the average standard in 2010 and 2020 hidden in me.

I stayed longer at the jobs, and lived a normal life with a standard wage in Eastern Europe, but didn’t feel I lived up the least to my potential.

Back to business, it was in 2021. I reduced my day job to half and quit even after a month.

Still, I wasn’t ready, took on debt, and that ruined my really easily. Instead of finding solutions I succumbed to my family’s curse of hopelessness and gave up for a few months.

I had my first girlfriend around 2014. I remember I stopped my car after seeing her, and just chatted with her. Then we went out and that was an almost 3-year-long relationship.

Around 2020-2021 I was getting back to normal, going on dates, and had some more long-lasting relationships ranging from girlfriend to love and all in between.


This is nice for a young male after years of hopelessness and despair, as it shows you you still got it.

Anyways, in February 2022 I attempted another break from work, and this time it went better.

It lasted 8 months and resulted in me getting some sort of job. I am saying some sort of job as it isn’t in a local office and isn’t what my call center old jobs were like.

Better conditions, and a genuinely well-appreciated salary. Cool, really cool.

I am still continuing to move the biz projects on the side and improving myself massively.

This is where I am now. And this is where the blog starts. I genuinely wanted to help some of my closest people with advice not always finding the right words, and I figured if it’s written they can take it or leave it when they are ready, and it doesn’t hurt at all.

Instead of me coming to them and pushing advice on them, this is way more comfortable.

Also I feel I’d have the same convos with every person anyways. As I am a smart person, why not write them out ๐Ÿ˜‰

With this said,
Cheers and have a great day.