So a lot happened recently and I feel right now I do the blog post more for myself than to help others, but who knows? Maybe my lessons can help you? Maybe we are not all so different and go through similar things and can find some general archetypical truths in what we experience, what we fail in and learn from, and what gives us success.

So hang on….and read through my newest lessons and successes 🙂

This is what I’m listening to while writing the first part. A little bit on the aggressive musical side, but a great song from this young fellow who is also into spiritual topics and practice. Maybe that’s why his music is so consistently good. He knows better, I just assume…;)

So I got a job. Before that, I tried bootstrapping the business out of zero but it didn’t really completely work out.
But I learned some great lessons and basic principles. This resulted in me getting a job at around triple the pay from my previous local one with much better conditions, flexibility, and freedom. I love the new job.

But some bad things happened, some evil things, which confused me a lot. Again I’ll point out that I allowed those situations from within and had to learn my way.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence I leveled up in the most important goal I had: finances and career partially…And then had to draw some boundaries.

A close person to me jumped off. I realized I can’t always help out anyone when they ask me as it’s a win-lose situation. I got sad because I realized how much people pay attention to money and how fast life changes.

But there are some positives. I learned to always follow the good vibes, especially if you are in a good place and direction of upward momentum, I learned that I’ll have to prioritize my lane, and only help if it doesn’t get me away from my path. I’m not sure yet how to say no in a perfect way, but mostly it’s all about avoiding conflict and further bad situations.

I feel saying politely no with an apology is a good way. And pre-avoiding situations that pressure you when you’re in them you can’t really escape the bad ways.

To summarize a healthy egoism is what I need, as funnily enough, it throws off the most value for others anyways when I’m riding the wave and having a good life…Otherwise, I can help…help….gift…gift…and then I’m all without value and energy.

With the person jumping off, I realized I provoked the conflict by expressing my negative thoughts. I could have easily avoided that, as it’s a bad vibe situation and I had no reason to get into this situation.

I expressed my thoughts that are biased and incomplete as I only know my side of things. My perspective and I felt horrible for days after.

After making such an unnecessary fatal conflict, I realized I have to get over it, as it damaged my work and career, being all I’m my thoughts, and feeling constant regret about what I did.

As the other person ended the conflict with a strict end to the relationship we had and asked for no communication, I realized hey…whatever happened, I gotta respect that and just continue doing my thing.

The person forgave me for a sec, although I think it was rather for other reasons like pressure or me asking for it, but most importantly I had to forgive myself, and move on.

For me this is tough, so I’d rather avoid conflicts and situations where I have to regret, but it’s an important lesson nevertheless. The situation ended so I had to just focus on doing my best again and having self-esteem as usual.

I wanted to somehow reverse the past with actions, but I saw it was unwanted and then just found peace within.

Part of this was not only blaming myself, but realizing ok: I made a situation, but the other person wanted to end it. So It’s like not only on my end 🙂

I finally acted on the situation by gifting myself a new bag and a new purse. This set the right tone for not giving my power away and doubling down on myself and whoever wants me in their life.

That thought helped, that I didn’t end the situation on my own, but I gotta listen to the other person too.

The other issue was someone from my family asking me for help which I did so in a bad moment of them.

I realized I can help whenever I really can without damaging my career and work. Maybe there is another solution without me damaging my career? I can send money, and someone else can do the actual help, while I further my career.

That’s a good thought I’m having .

Now I got some things of the past to clear up, some projects.

What I’ll do to avoid me getting off my lane now is religiously protect it. I’ll stay the nicest person ever, but double down for a while on myself and not on helping or pleasing others.

If it means politely saying no, then that’s that. If it means using my money for myself, instead of sucking up to others and buying their attention or whatever it is, then that’s that.

I’ll also try to add some people on my level of thinking that are somewhere next to me. I often feel when sharing my issues that they are somewhat unrelated to the friends, girls, or family I’m talking to.

For mentors, you can’t always pay or provide value, so I am on the lookout for someone in a similar situation and level as me. I’ll search on some communities and I don’t mind it being remote, as it’ll be like sharing your current problems in work or life without leaning on people who can’t relate.

And I think this is for everyone good advice. I have 2 AMAZING friends, who seem to be on the same lane right now and they connected greatly. I feel they even feel closer in some type of way to their experience than I do to them, and I love it, cause they’re like best buddies. That’s how I feel it from a distance 😀

What I’ll do next is re-focus on the work to maintain it and get good results for my boss, and have a good morning routine. I’ll want to get in the best shape of my recent 10 years with consistency. I’ll further, later on, add some more projects for my business to the work so I can increase income by another 30%. I’m really happy though with my situation and I’ll protect it all costs, as it’s too good to be wasted. Super grateful!

I’ll just want to enjoy my level for 2-3 months and experience the new unlocked adventures it gives without making any major moves.

Lastly about me being sad that I saw how money increased the reputation and respect of others in some way. I mean I know how it is, but honestly, it made me think, and at first, I felt sad, cause Im still the same guy as 1 month before when I was in a physically bad situation that felt like some hell reflection.

But I realized the money is just symbolizing my success, and I deserve it and it’s real!!! So it is what it is, and maybe I just earned to get a little more respect and eyeballs from people, and that’s how it is. It’s the Hero’s journey!

With those things said, I’ll leave you and hope you enjoyed it and maybe related. Have a great day!